Shiva Honey

All Natural Products that make you buzz


Shiva Honey

All Natural Products that make you buzz

Shiva honey, a thousandyear-old product.

Shiva honey, also known as mad honey, goes back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations from Nepal, the Black Sea Region and Ancient Greece have used it long ago as form of medicine and to enjoy its spiritual effects which it gets from rhododendron flower nectar. This special flower makes a very high quality honey that we call Mad Honey. We bring the freshest honey to the rest of the world since 2019, and finally now also operating outside of Europe. 
warning: we are aware that many webshops selling fake similar products have showed up since the start of Shiva Honey, Make sure you always order from a trusted source!

All natural and locally sourced honey.

Shiva Honey is maintained and taken care of by honest farmers who harvest the honey where they live. Not only do our partners support their community by negotiating fair prices, their income is ensured with contracts that they can count on. The mad honey is all natural, straight from the beehive. No additives. No post processing. All organic.

For the people by the people.

Shiva Honey started with the vision that this heavenly mad honey should be available to the whole world. For now and always! That is why we respect nature and its beings. Through our business we treat them as well as we possibly can. This makes our honey the sweetest Mad honey .


Seeds of the Gods


Morning Glory Seeds

Morning glory seeds, renowned as Heavenly Blue or Mexican Morning Glory, have a rich history spanning centuries in their use as a psychoactive substance. The exploration of their effects and potential benefits has intrigued and fascinated cultures around the world. These tiny seeds contain a plethora of fascinating compounds, including LSA.

Legal high in most countries

In the Netherlands LSA containing seeds are known as “legal high”. However in some countries it is not legal to consume  Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.We suggest to plant them: That is why all our orders come with a special “do not consume sticker”. This way we make sure, your seeds arrive safely. 

How to use the Morning Glory Seeds

The Morning Glory seeds can be chewed or ground and made in to a tea.
Most users prefer the tea because this will create less nausea. If chewed the seeds should be kept in the mouth for as long as possible.
tip: make sure you consume the seeds on an empty stomach and use enough vitamin C.

Morning Glory 100gr


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